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AI-KU: Using Substitute Vectors and Co-Occurrence Modeling For Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation
Osman Başkaya
Enis Sert
Volkan Cirik
Deniz Yuret
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2013
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Word Sense Induction Using Lexical Chain based Hypergraph Model
Tao Qian
Donghong Ji
Mingyao Zhang
Chong Teng
Congling Xia
Structured Generative Models of Continuous Features for Word Sense Induction
Alexandros Komninos
Suresh Manandhar
Context-Dependent Sense Embedding
Lin Qiu
Kewei Tu
Yong Yu
Word Sense Induction with Neural biLM and Symmetric Patterns
Asaf Amrami
Yoav Goldberg
Unsupervised Does Not Mean Uninterpretable: The Case for Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation
Alexander Panchenko
Eugen Ruppert
Stefano Faralli
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Chris Biemann
One Million Sense-Tagged Instances for Word Sense Disambiguation and Induction
Kaveh Taghipour
Hwee Tou Ng
Modeling Word Meaning in Context with Substitute Vectors
Oren Melamud
Ido Dagan
Jacob Goldberger
A Sense-Topic Model for Word Sense Induction with Unsupervised Data Enrichment
Jing Wang
Mohit Bansal
Kevin Gimpel
Brian D. Ziebart
Clement T. Yu
AI-KU: Using Co-Occurrence Modeling for Semantic Similarity
Osman Başkaya
Reducing VSM data sparseness by generalizing contexts: application to health text mining
Amandine Périnet
Thierry Hamon
Generalising and Normalising Distributional Contexts to Reduce Data Sparsity: Application to Medical Corpora
Amandine Périnet
Thierry Hamon
Neural context embeddings for automatic discovery of word senses
Mikael Kågebäck
Fredrik Johansson
Richard Johansson
Devdatt Dubhashi
Making Sense of Word Embeddings
Maria Pelevina
Nikolay Arefiev
Chris Biemann
Alexander Panchenko
Field Of Study
Word Sense Disambiguation
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