Authors Timeline
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ABCNN: Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Sentence Pairs
Wenpeng Yin
Hinrich Schütze
Bing Xiang
Bowen Zhou
Paper Details:
Year: 2016
Simple Question Answering by Attentive Convolutional Neural Network
Wenpeng Yin
Mo Yu
Bing Xiang
Bowen Zhou
Hinrich Schütze
A Neural Question Answering Model Based on Semi-Structured Tables
Hao Wang
Xiaodong Zhang
Shuming Ma
Xu Sun
Houfeng Wang
Mengxiang Wang
Neural Network Models for Paraphrase Identification, Semantic Textual Similarity, Natural Language Inference, and Question Answering
Wuwei Lan
Wei Xu
Identifying attack and support argumentative relations using deep learning
Oana Cocarascu
Francesca Toni
A Joint Many-Task Model: Growing a Neural Network for Multiple NLP Tasks
Kazuma Hashimoto
Caiming Xiong
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Richard Socher
Convolutional Interaction Network for Natural Language Inference
Jingjing Gong
Xipeng Qiu
Xinchi Chen
Dong Liang
Xuanjing Huang
Cross-Pair Text Representations for Answer Sentence Selection
Kateryna Tymoshenko
Alessandro Moschitti
Neural Transductive Learning and Beyond: Morphological Generation in the Minimal-Resource Setting
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Mapping natural language commands to web elements
Panupong Pasupat
Tian-Shun Jiang
Evan Liu
Kelvin Guu
Percy Liang
Task-Specific Attentive Pooling of Phrase Alignments Contributes to Sentence Matching
Wenpeng Yin
Hinrich Schütze
Explainable Prediction of Medical Codes from Clinical Text
James Mullenbach
Sarah Wiegreffe
Jon Duke
Jimeng Sun
Jacob Eisenstein
Character-Based Neural Networks for Sentence Pair Modeling
Wuwei Lan
Wei Xu
Document Modeling with External Attention for Sentence Extraction
Shashi Narayan
Ronald Cardenas
Nikos Papasarantopoulos
Shay B. Cohen
Mirella Lapata
Jiangsheng Yu
Yi Chang
End-Task Oriented Textual Entailment via Deep Explorations of Inter-Sentence Interactions
Wenpeng Yin
Dan Roth
Hinrich Schütze
Questionable Answers in Question Answering Research: Reproducibility and Variability of Published Results
Matt Crane
Attentive Convolution: Equipping CNNs with RNN-style Attention Mechanisms
Wenpeng Yin
Hinrich Schütze
Analysis Methods in Neural Language Processing: A Survey
Yonatan Belinkov
James Glass
iUBC at SemEval-2016 Task 2: RNNs and LSTMs for interpretable STS
Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio
Eneko Agirre
Montse Maritxalar
Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System
Lifeng Jin
Michael White
Evan Jaffe
Laura Zimmerman
Douglas Danforth
Domain Adaptation for Disease Phrase Matching with Adversarial Networks
Miaofeng Liu
Jialong Han
Haisong Zhang
Yan Song
AUEB at BioASQ 6: Document and Snippet Retrieval
George Brokos
Polyvios Liosis
Ryan McDonald
Dimitris Pappas
Ion Androutsopoulos
Iterative Recursive Attention Model for Interpretable Sequence Classification
Martin Tutek
Jan Šnajder
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Named Entity Recognition
Textual Entailment
Information Retrieval
Question Answering
Machine Translation
Deep Learning
Representation Learning
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