Authors Timeline
Field of Study
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A Joint Model for Entity Analysis: Coreference, Typing, and Linking
Greg Durrett
Dan Klein
Paper Details:
Year: 2014
Joint Learning of Local and Global Features for Entity Linking via Neural Networks
Thien Huu Nguyen
Nicolas Fauceglia
Mariano Rodriguez Muro
Oktie Hassanzadeh
Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo
Mohammad Sadoghi
Attributed and Predictive Entity Embedding for Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Knowledge Bases
Hailong Jin
Lei Hou
Juanzi Li
Tiansi Dong
Robust Lexical Features for Improved Neural Network Named-Entity Recognition
Abbas Ghaddar
Phillippe Langlais
Graph Based Decoding for Event Sequencing and Coreference Resolution
Zhengzhong Liu
Teruko Mitamura
Eduard Hovy
Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping of Relationship Extractors with Distributional Semantics
David S. Batista
Bruno Martins
Mário J. Silva
Corpus-level Fine-grained Entity Typing Using Contextual Information
Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
Hinrich Schütze
Improving Information Extraction by Acquiring External Evidence with Reinforcement Learning
Karthik Narasimhan
Adam Yala
Regina Barzilay
End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution
Kenton Lee
Luheng He
Mike Lewis
Luke Zettlemoyer
Leveraging Linguistic Structures for Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional Recursive Neural Networks
Peng-Hsuan Li
Ruo-Ping Dong
Yu-Siang Wang
Ju-Chieh Chou
Wei-Yun Ma
Fast and Accurate Entity Recognition with Iterated Dilated Convolutions
Emma Strubell
Patrick Verga
David Belanger
Andrew McCallum
Entity Linking via Joint Encoding of Types, Descriptions, and Context
Nitish Gupta
Sameer Singh
Dan Roth
Effective Use of Context in Noisy Entity Linking
David Mueller
Greg Durrett
Trust, but Verify! Better Entity Linking through Automatic Verification
Benjamin Heinzerling
Michael Strube
Chin-Yew Lin
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction beyond the Sentence Boundary
Chris Quirk
Hoifung Poon
A Joint Framework for Coreference Resolution and Mention Head Detection
Haoruo Peng
Kai-Wei Chang
Dan Roth
Coreference in Wikipedia: Main Concept Resolution
Abbas Ghaddar
Phillippe Langlais
IMS HotCoref DE: A Data-driven Co-reference Resolver for German
Ina Roesiger
Jonas Kuhn
Improving the Annotation of Sentence Specificity
Junyi Jessy Li
Bridget O’Daniel
Yi Wu
Wenli Zhao
Ani Nenkova
A Corpus to Learn Refer-to-as Relations for Nominals
Wasi Ahmad
Kai-Wei Chang
Removing the Training Wheels: A Coreference Dataset that Entertains Humans and Challenges Computers
Anupam Guha
Mohit Iyyer
Danny Bouman
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Learning Global Features for Coreference Resolution
Sam Wiseman
Alexander M. Rush
Stuart M. Shieber
Unsupervised Ranking Model for Entity Coreference Resolution
Xuezhe Ma
Zhengzhong Liu
Eduard Hovy
Capturing Semantic Similarity for Entity Linking with Convolutional Neural Networks
Matthew Francis-Landau
Greg Durrett
Dan Klein
Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution with Model Stacking
Kevin Clark
Christopher D. Manning
Learning Anaphoricity and Antecedent Ranking Features for Coreference Resolution
Sam Wiseman
Alexander M. Rush
Stuart Shieber
Jason Weston
Learning-Based Single-Document Summarization with Compression and Anaphoricity Constraints
Greg Durrett
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Dan Klein
Using mention accessibility to improve coreference resolution
Kellie Webster
Joel Nothman
Joint Learning for Event Coreference Resolution
Jing Lu
Vincent Ng
Leveraging Knowledge Bases in LSTMs for Improving Machine Reading
Bishan Yang
Tom Mitchell
Fine-Grained Entity Typing with High-Multiplicity Assignments
Maxim Rabinovich
Dan Klein
Ultra-Fine Entity Typing
Eunsol Choi
Omer Levy
Yejin Choi
Luke Zettlemoyer
Hierarchical Losses and New Resources for Fine-grained Entity Typing and Linking
Shikhar Murty
Patrick Verga
Luke Vilnis
Irena Radovanovic
Andrew McCallum
Improving Entity Linking by Modeling Latent Relations between Mentions
Phong Le
Ivan Titov
Neural Coreference Resolution with Deep Biaffine Attention by Joint Mention Detection and Mention Clustering
Rui Zhang
Cícero Nogueira dos Santos
Michihiro Yasunaga
Bing Xiang
Dragomir Radev
A Study of the Importance of External Knowledge in the Named Entity Recognition Task
Dominic Seyler
Tatiana Dembelova
Luciano Del Corro
Johannes Hoffart
Gerhard Weikum
Neural Cross-Lingual Coreference Resolution And Its Application To Entity Linking
Gourab Kundu
Avi Sil
Radu Florian
Wael Hamza
diaNED: Time-Aware Named Entity Disambiguation for Diachronic Corpora
Prabal Agarwal
Jannik Strötgen
Luciano del Corro
Johannes Hoffart
Gerhard Weikum
DeepPavlov: Open-Source Library for Dialogue Systems
Mikhail Burtsev
Alexander Seliverstov
Rafael Airapetyan
Mikhail Arkhipov
Dilyara Baymurzina
Nickolay Bushkov
Olga Gureenkova
Taras Khakhulin
Yuri Kuratov
Denis Kuznetsov
Alexey Litinsky
Varvara Logacheva
Alexey Lymar
Valentin Malykh
Maxim Petrov
Vadim Polulyakh
Leonid Pugachev
Alexey Sorokin
Maria Vikhreva
Marat Zaynutdinov
Multi-lingual Entity Discovery and Linking
Avi Sil
Heng Ji
Dan Roth
Silviu-Petru Cucerzan
Design Challenges for Entity Linking
Xiao Ling
Sameer Singh
Daniel S. Weld
Latent Structures for Coreference Resolution
Sebastian Martschat
Michael Strube
J-NERD: Joint Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation with Rich Linguistic Features
Dat Ba Nguyen
Martin Theobald
Gerhard Weikum
Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs
Jason P.C. Chiu
Eric Nichols
Mind the GAP: A Balanced Corpus of Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns
Kellie Webster
Marta Recasens
Vera Axelrod
Jason Baldridge
Resolving Discourse-Deictic Pronouns: A Two-Stage Approach to Do It
Sujay Kumar Jauhar
Raul Guerra
Edgar Gonzàlez Pellicer
Marta Recasens
Resolving Entity Coreference in Croatian with a Constrained Mention-Pair Model
Goran Glavaš
Jan Šnajder
When Annotation Schemes Change Rules Help: A Configurable Approach to Coreference Resolution beyond OntoNotes
Amir Zeldes
Shuo Zhang
Leveraging coreference to identify arms in medical abstracts: An experimental study
Elisa Ferracane
Iain Marshall
Byron C. Wallace
Katrin Erk
Enriching Basque Coreference Resolution System using Semantic Knowledge sources
Ander Soraluze
Olatz Arregi
Xabier Arregi
Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza
CORBON 2017 Shared Task: Projection-Based Coreference Resolution
Yulia Grishina
Projection-based Coreference Resolution Using Deep Syntax
Michal Novák
Anna Nedoluzhko
Zdeněk Žabokrtský
Multi-word Entity Classification in a Highly Multilingual Environment
Sophie Chesney
Guillaume Jacquet
Ralf Steinberger
Jakub Piskorski
A Distributional View of Discourse Encapsulation: Multifactorial Prediction of Coreference Density in RST
Amir Zeldes
A Pipeline Japanese Entity Linking System with Embedding Features
Shuangshuang Zhou
The Importance of Automatic Syntactic Features in Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition
Thai-Hoang Pham
Phuong Le-Hong
Field Of Study
Named Entity Recognition
Relation Extraction
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