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Normalizing tweets with edit scripts and recurrent neural embeddings
Grzegorz Chrupała
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2014
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Still not there? Comparing Traditional Sequence-to-Sequence Models to Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks on Monotone String Translation Tasks
Carsten Schnober
Steffen Eger
Erik-Lân Do Dinh
Iryna Gurevych
A Graph-based Approach for Contextual Text Normalization
Cagil Sönmez
Arzucan Özgür
Improved Transition-based Parsing by Modeling Characters instead of Words with LSTMs
Miguel Ballesteros
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
An Unsupervised Method for Discovering Lexical Variations in Roman Urdu Informal Text
Abdul Rafae
Abdul Qayyum
Muhammad Moeenuddin
Asim Karim
Hassan Sajjad
Faisal Kamiran
Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams
John Wieting
Mohit Bansal
Kevin Gimpel
Karen Livescu
Nonsymbolic Text Representation
Hinrich Schütze
Generating a Training Corpus for OCR Post-Correction Using Encoder-Decoder Model
Eva D’hondt
Cyril Grouin
Brigitte Grau
Improving Named Entity Recognition in Tweets via Detecting Non-Standard Words
Chen Li
Yang Liu
Predicting Polarities of Tweets by Composing Word Embeddings with Long Short-Term Memory
Xin Wang
Yuanchao Liu
Chengjie Sun
Baoxun Wang
Xiaolong Wang
Who caught a cold ? - Identifying the subject of a symptom
Shin Kanouchi
Mamoru Komachi
Naoaki Okazaki
Eiji Aramaki
Hiroshi Ishikawa
Automatic Keyword Extraction on Twitter
Luís Marujo
Wang Ling
Isabel Trancoso
Chris Dyer
Alan W. Black
Anatole Gershman
David Martins de Matos
João Neto
Jaime Carbonell
Character-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José A. R. Fonollosa
Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information
Piotr Bojanowski
Edouard Grave
Armand Joulin
Tomas Mikolov
DCU-UVT: Word-Level Language Classification with Code-Mixed Data
Utsab Barman
Joachim Wagner
Grzegorz Chrupała
Jennifer Foster
A Normalizer for UGC in Brazilian Portuguese
Magali Sanches Duran
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes
Lucas Avanço
IHS_RD: Lexical Normalization for English Tweets
Dmitry Supranovich
Viachaslau Patsepnia
DCU-ADAPT: Learning Edit Operations for Microblog Normalisation with the Generalised Perceptron
Joachim Wagner
Jennifer Foster
LYSGROUP: Adapting a Spanish microtext normalization system to English.
Yerai Doval Mosquera
Jesús Vilares
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
IITP: Hybrid Approach for Text Normalization in Twitter
Md Shad Akhtar
Utpal Kumar Sikdar
Asif Ekbal
Shared Tasks of the 2015 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text: Twitter Lexical Normalization and Named Entity Recognition
Timothy Baldwin
Marie Catherine de Marneffe
Bo Han
Young-Bum Kim
Alan Ritter
Wei Xu
Context Tailoring for Text Normalization
Seniz Demir
Japanese Text Normalization with Encoder-Decoder Model
Taishi Ikeda
Hiroyuki Shindo
Yuji Matsumoto
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
Deep Learning
Social Media
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