Authors Timeline
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Agenda-Based User Simulation for Bootstrapping a POMDP Dialogue System
Jost Schatzmann
Blaise Thomson
Karl Weilhammer
Hui Ye
Steve Young
Paper Details:
Month: April
Year: 2007
Location: Rochester, New York
Generative Goal-Driven User Simulation for Dialog Management
Aciel Eshky
Ben Allison
Mark Steedman
User Simulations for Context-Sensitive Speech Recognition in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Oliver Lemon
Ioannis Konstas
The Hidden Information State Dialogue Manager: A Real-World POMDP-Based System
Steve Young
Jost Schatzmann
Blaise Thomson
Karl Weilhammer
Hui Ye
Automatic Agenda Graph Construction from Human-Human Dialogs using Clustering Method
Cheongjae Lee
Sangkeun Jung
Kyungduk Kim
Gary Geunbae Lee
Learning Effective Multimodal Dialogue Strategies from Wizard-of-Oz Data: Bootstrapping and Evaluation
Verena Rieser
Oliver Lemon
Learning to Adapt to Unknown Users: Referring Expression Generation in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Oliver Lemon
Phrase-Based Statistical Language Generation Using Graphical Models and Active Learning
François Mairesse
Milica Gašić
Filip Jurčíček
Simon Keizer
Blaise Thomson
Kai Yu
Steve Young
Towards Relational POMDPs for Adaptive Dialogue Management
Pierre Lison
User Simulation as Testing for Spoken Dialog Systems
Hua Ai
Fuliang Weng
Evaluation Understudy for Dialogue Coherence Models
Sudeep Gandhe
David Traum
Learning Lexical Alignment Policies for Generating Referring Expressions for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Oliver Lemon
An Unsupervised Approach to User Simulation: Toward Self-Improving Dialog Systems
Sungjin Lee
Maxine Eskenazi
Probabilistic Dialogue Models with Prior Domain Knowledge
Pierre Lison
Statistical User Simulation for Spoken Dialogue Systems: What for, Which Data, Which Future?
Olivier Pietquin
Hyper-parameter Optimisation of Gaussian Process Reinforcement Learning for Statistical Dialogue Management
Lu Chen
Pei-Hao Su
Milica Gašić
The BURCHAK corpus: a Challenge Data Set for Interactive Learning of Visually Grounded Word Meanings
Yanchao Yu
Arash Eshghi
Gregory Mills
Oliver Lemon
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Field Of Study
Spoken Dialog
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