Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Using the Web to Obtain Frequencies for Unseen Bigrams
Frank Keller
Mirella Lapata
Paper Details:
Year: 2003
CL |
Fast Computation of Lexical Affinity Models
Egidio Terra
Charles L. A. Clarke
Creative Discovery in Lexical Ontologies
Tony Veale
Nuno Seco
Jer Hayes
Using Web-Search Results to Measure Word-Group Similarity
Ann Gledson
John Keane
Web-based and combined language models: a case study on noun compound identification
Carlos Ramisch
Aline Villavicencio
Christian Boitet
Detecting Compositionality of Verb-Object Combinations using Selectional Preferences
Diana McCarthy
Sriram Venkatapathy
Aravind Joshi
Learning Noun Phrase Query Segmentation
Shane Bergsma
Qin Iris Wang
Discriminative Learning of Selectional Preference from Unlabeled Text
Shane Bergsma
Dekang Lin
Randy Goebel
Web Text Corpus for Natural Language Processing
Vinci Liu
James R. Curran
Modelling Semantic Role Pausibility in Human Sentence Processing
Ulrike Padó
Matthew Crocker
Frank Keller
Co-Dispersion: A Windowless Approach to Lexical Association
Justin Washtell
Detecting the Countability of English Compound Nouns Using Web-based Models
Jing Peng
Kenji Araki
Comparing Knowledge Sources for Nominal Anaphora Resolution
Katja Markert
Malvina Nissim
The Web as a Baseline: Evaluating the Performance of Unsupervised Web-based Models for a Range of NLP Tasks
Mirella Lapata
Frank Keller
The (Non)Utility of Predicate-Argument Frequencies for Pronoun Interpretation
Andrew Kehler
Douglas Appelt
Lara Taylor
Aleksandr Simma
An Integrated Approach to Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Information Available on the Web
Danushka Bollegala
Yutaka Matsuo
Mitsuru Ishizuka
Near-Synonym Choice in an Intelligent Thesaurus
Diana Inkpen
Automatic Answer Typing for How-Questions
Christopher Pinchak
Shane Bergsma
NOMIT: Automatic Titling by Nominalizing
Cédric Lopez
Violaine Prince
Mathieu Roche
Learning to Resolve Bridging References
Massimo Poesio
Rahul Mehta
Axel Maroudas
Janet Hitzeman
Incorporating topic information into semantic analysis models
Tony Mullen
Nigel Collier
Improving Pronoun Resolution Using Statistics-Based Semantic Compatibility Information
Xiaofeng Yang
Jian Su
Chew Lim Tan
An Unsupervised System for Identifying English Inclusions in German Text
Beatrice Alex
Kernel-Based Pronoun Resolution with Structured Syntactic Knowledge
Xiaofeng Yang
Jian Su
Chew Lim Tan
Discovering Asymmetric Entailment Relations between Verbs Using Selectional Preferences
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Marco Pennacchiotti
Maria Teresa Pazienza
Novel Association Measures Using Web Search with Double Checking
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Ming-Shun Lin
Yu-Chuan Wei
Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases Using Web Counts and Learning Algorithms
Paul Nulty
A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method for Selectional Preferences
Alan Ritter
Oren Etzioni
Latent Variable Models of Selectional Preference
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Improving the Use of Pseudo-Words for Evaluating Selectional Preferences
Nathanael Chambers
Daniel Jurafsky
Creating Robust Supervised Classifiers via Web-Scale N-Gram Data
Shane Bergsma
Emily Pitler
Dekang Lin
A Random Walk Approach to Selectional Preferences Based on Preference Ranking and Propagation
Zhenhua Tian
Hengheng Xiang
Ziqi Liu
Qinghua Zheng
Perceptually Grounded Selectional Preferences
Ekaterina Shutova
Niket Tandon
Gerard de Melo
Idiom Type Identification with Smoothed Lexical Features and a Maximum Margin Classifier
Giancarlo Salton
Robert Ross
John Kelleher
Learning Semantics and Selectional Preference of Adjective-Noun Pairs
Karl Moritz Hermann
Chris Dyer
Phil Blunsom
Stephen Pulman
Modelling selectional preferences in a lexical hierarchy
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Anna Korhonen
VerbOcean: Mining the Web for Fine-Grained Semantic Verb Relations
Timothy Chklovski
Patrick Pantel
The Influence of Argument Structure on Semantic Role Assignment
Sebastian Padó
Gemma Boleda
Attribute-Based and Value-Based Clustering: An Evaluation
Abdulrahman Almuhareb
Massimo Poesio
Search Engine Statistics Beyond the n-Gram: Application to Noun Compound Bracketing
Preslav Nakov
Marti Hearst
Discovering Entailment Relations Using “Textual Entailment Patterns”
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Maria Teresa Pazienza
Marco Pennacchiotti
Learning Domain-Specific Information Extraction Patterns from the Web
Siddharth Patwardhan
Ellen Riloff
Interpretation of Compound Nominalisations using Corpus and Web Statistics
Jeremy Nicholson
Timothy Baldwin
CUCWeb: A Catalan corpus built from the Web
Gemma Boleda
Stefan Bott
Rodrigo Meza
Carlos Castillo
Toni Badia
Vicente López
Semantic Labeling of Compound Nominalization in Chinese
Jinglei Zhao
Hui Liu
Ruzhan Lu
Search right and thou shalt find ... Using Web Queries for Learner Error Detection
Michael Gamon
Claudia Leacock
Expanding textual entailment corpora fromWikipedia using co-training
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Marco Pennacchiotti
Mapping Unseen Words to Task-Trained Embedding Spaces
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha
Mohit Bansal
Kevin Gimpel
Karen Livescu
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Word Sense Disambiguation
Semantic Similarity
Machine Translation
Spelling Correction
Unsupervised Learning
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