Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events
Karl Pichotta
Raymond Mooney
Paper Details:
Month: April
Year: 2014
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Generating Reasonable and Diversified Story Ending Using Sequence to Sequence Model with Adversarial Training
Zhongyang Li
Xiao Ding
Ting Liu
Mise en Place: Unsupervised Interpretation of Instructional Recipes
Chloé Kiddon
Ganesa Thandavam Ponnuraj
Luke Zettlemoyer
Yejin Choi
Script Induction as Language Modeling
Rachel Rudinger
Pushpendre Rastogi
Francis Ferraro
Benjamin Van Durme
Integrating Order Information and Event Relation for Script Event Prediction
Zhongqing Wang
Yue Zhang
Ching-Yun Chang
Story Comprehension for Predicting What Happens Next
Snigdha Chaturvedi
Haoruo Peng
Dan Roth
Reasoning with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension
Hongyu Lin
Le Sun
Xianpei Han
Event Embeddings for Semantic Script Modeling
Ashutosh Modi
A Joint Model for Semantic Sequences: Frames, Entities, Sentiments
Haoruo Peng
Snigdha Chaturvedi
Dan Roth
Mapping Texts to Scripts: An Entailment Study
Simon Ostermann
Hannah Seitz
Stefan Thater
Manfred Pinkal
MCScript: A Novel Dataset for Assessing Machine Comprehension Using Script Knowledge
Simon Ostermann
Ashutosh Modi
Michael Roth
Stefan Thater
Manfred Pinkal
Lexical Event Ordering with an Edge-Factored Model
Omri Abend
Shay B. Cohen
Mark Steedman
Improving event prediction by representing script participants
Simon Ahrendt
Vera Demberg
A Corpus and Cloze Evaluation for Deeper Understanding of Commonsense Stories
Nasrin Mostafazadeh
Nathanael Chambers
Xiaodong He
Devi Parikh
Dhruv Batra
Lucy Vanderwende
Pushmeet Kohli
James Allen
Generative Event Schema Induction with Entity Disambiguation
Kiem-Hieu Nguyen
Xavier Tannier
Olivier Ferret
Romaric Besançon
Using Sentence-Level LSTM Language Models for Script Inference
Karl Pichotta
Raymond J. Mooney
Two Discourse Driven Language Models for Semantics
Haoruo Peng
Dan Roth
Learning Prototypical Event Structure from Photo Albums
Antoine Bosselut
Jianfu Chen
David Warren
Hannaneh Hajishirzi
Yejin Choi
Learning Prototypical Goal Activities for Locations
Tianyu Jiang
Ellen Riloff
Higher-order Relation Schema Induction using Tensor Factorization with Back-off and Aggregation
Madhav Nimishakavi
Manish Gupta
Partha Talukdar
Modeling Semantic Expectation: Using Script Knowledge for Referent Prediction
Ashutosh Modi
Ivan Titov
Vera Demberg
Asad Sayeed
Manfred Pinkal
CaTeRS: Causal and Temporal Relation Scheme for Semantic Annotation of Event Structures
Nasrin Mostafazadeh
Alyson Grealish
Nathanael Chambers
James Allen
Lucy Vanderwende
Statistical Script Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks
Karl Pichotta
Raymond Mooney
Inducing Script Structure from Crowdsourced Event Descriptions via Semi-Supervised Clustering
Lilian Wanzare
Alessandra Zarcone
Stefan Thater
Manfred Pinkal
Behind the Scenes of an Evolving Event Cloze Test
Nathanael Chambers
Improving Shared Argument Identification in Japanese Event Knowledge Acquisition
Yin Jou Huang
Sadao Kurohashi
Inference of Fine-Grained Event Causality from Blogs and Films
Zhichao Hu
Elahe Rahimtoroghi
Marilyn Walker
Inferring Narrative Causality between Event Pairs in Films
Zhichao Hu
Marilyn Walker
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Field Of Study
Information Extraction
Question Answering
Coreference Resolution
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