Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Generating Confusion Sets for Context-Sensitive Error Correction
Alla Rozovskaya
Dan Roth
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2010
Location: Cambridge, MA
Correcting Semantic Collocation Errors with L1-induced Paraphrases
Daniel Dahlmeier
Hwee Tou Ng
Joint Learning and Inference for Grammatical Error Correction
Alla Rozovskaya
Dan Roth
Adapting Grammatical Error Correction Based on the Native Language of Writers with Neural Network Joint Models
Shamil Chollampatt
Duc Tam Hoang
Hwee Tou Ng
Neural Sequence-Labelling Models for Grammatical Error Correction
Helen Yannakoudakis
Marek Rei
Øistein E. Andersen
Zheng Yuan
Redundancy Detection in ESL Writings
Huichao Xue
Rebecca Hwa
Generating artificial errors for grammatical error correction
Mariano Felice
Zheng Yuan
Robust Systems for Preposition Error Correction Using Wikipedia Revisions
Aoife Cahill
Nitin Madnani
Joel Tetreault
Diane Napolitano
Semantic Pleonasm Detection
Omid Kashefi
Andrew T. Lucas
Rebecca Hwa
They Can Help: Using Crowdsourcing to Improve the Evaluation of Grammatical Error Detection Systems
Nitin Madnani
Martin Chodorow
Joel Tetreault
Alla Rozovskaya
Automated Collocation Suggestion for Japanese Second Language Learners
Lis Pereira
Erlyn Manguilimotan
Yuji Matsumoto
Cross-Lingual Lexico-Semantic Transfer in Language Learning
Ekaterina Kochmar
Ekaterina Shutova
Grammatical Error Correction: Machine Translation and Classifiers
Alla Rozovskaya
Dan Roth
Discourse Mode Identification in Essays
Wei Song
Dong Wang
Ruiji Fu
Lizhen Liu
Ting Liu
Guoping Hu
What Makes Writing Great? First Experiments on Article Quality Prediction in the Science Journalism Domain
Annie Louis
Ani Nenkova
“Could you make me a favour and do coffee, please?”: Implications for Automatic Error Correction in English and Dutch
Sophia Katrenko
High-Order Sequence Modeling for Language Learner Error Detection
Michael Gamon
HOO 2012 Error Recognition and Correction Shared Task: Cambridge University Submission Report
Ekaterina Kochmar
Øistein Andersen
Ted Briscoe
Korea University System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Jieun Lee
Jung-Tae Lee
Hae-Chang Rim
The UI System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task on Error Correction
Alla Rozovskaya
Mark Sammons
Dan Roth
The CoNLL-2013 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction
Hwee Tou Ng
Siew Mei Wu
Yuanbin Wu
Christian Hadiwinoto
Joel Tetreault
The University of Illinois System in the CoNLL-2013 Shared Task
Alla Rozovskaya
Kai-Wei Chang
Mark Sammons
Dan Roth
CoNLL-2013 Shared Task: Grammatical Error Correction NTHU System Description
Ting-Hui Kao
Yu-Wei Chang
Hsun-Wen Chiu
Tzu-Hsi Yen
Joanne Boisson
Jian-Cheng Wu
Jason S. Chang
IITB System for CoNLL 2013 Shared Task: A Hybrid Approach to Grammatical Error Correction
Anoop Kunchukuttan
Ritesh Shah
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
The CoNLL-2014 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction
Hwee Tou Ng
Siew Mei Wu
Ted Briscoe
Christian Hadiwinoto
Raymond Hendy Susanto
Christopher Bryant
The role of artificially generated negative data for quality estimation of machine translation
Varvara Logacheva
Lucia Specia
Addressing Class Imbalance in Grammatical Error Detection with Evaluation Metric Optimization
Anoop Kunchukuttan
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Can string kernels pass the test of time in Native Language Identification?
Radu Tudor Ionescu
Marius Popescu
Artificial Error Generation with Machine Translation and Syntactic Patterns
Marek Rei
Mariano Felice
Zheng Yuan
Ted Briscoe
Field Of Study
Syntactic Parsing
Spelling Correction
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