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Online Large-Margin Training for Statistical Machine Translation
Taro Watanabe
Jun Suzuki
Hajime Tsukada
Hideki Isozaki
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2007
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Fast Domain Adaptation of SMT models without in-Domain Parallel Data
Prashant Mathur
Sriram Venkatapathy
Nicola Cancedda
Online Large-Margin Training of Syntactic and Structural Translation Features
David Chiang
Yuval Marton
Philip Resnik
Lattice-based Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation
Wolfgang Macherey
Franz Och
Ignacio Thayer
Jakob Uszkoreit
Perceptron Reranking for CCG Realization
Michael White
Rajakrishnan Rajkumar
Minimum Error Rate Training by Sampling the Translation Lattice
Samidh Chatterjee
Nicola Cancedda
Optimal Search for Minimum Error Rate Training
Michel Galley
Chris Quirk
Soft Dependency Constraints for Reordering in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
Yang Gao
Philipp Koehn
Alexandra Birch
Fast Generation of Translation Forest for Large-Scale SMT Discriminative Training
Xinyan Xiao
Yang Liu
Qun Liu
Shouxun Lin
Minimum Imputed-Risk: Unsupervised Discriminative Training for Machine Translation
Zhifei Li
Ziyuan Wang
Jason Eisner
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Brian Roark
Locally Training the Log-Linear Model for SMT
Lemao Liu
Hailong Cao
Taro Watanabe
Tiejun Zhao
Mo Yu
Conghui Zhu
Inducing a Discriminative Parser to Optimize Machine Translation Reordering
Graham Neubig
Taro Watanabe
Shinsuke Mori
Max-Margin Synchronous Grammar Induction for Machine Translation
Xinyan Xiao
Deyi Xiong
What is Hidden among Translation Rules
Libin Shen
Bowen Zhou
A Corpus Level MIRA Tuning Strategy for Machine Translation
Ming Tan
Tian Xia
Shaojun Wang
Bowen Zhou
Max-Violation Perceptron and Forced Decoding for Scalable MT Training
Heng Yu
Liang Huang
Haitao Mi
Kai Zhao
Regularized Minimum Error Rate Training
Michel Galley
Chris Quirk
Colin Cherry
Kristina Toutanova
Improve Statistical Machine Translation with Context-Sensitive Bilingual Semantic Embedding Model
Haiyang Wu
Daxiang Dong
Xiaoguang Hu
Dianhai Yu
Wei He
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Search-Aware Tuning for Machine Translation
Lemao Liu
Liang Huang
A Discriminative Training Procedure for Continuous Translation Models
Quoc-Khanh Do
Alexandre Allauzen
François Yvon
Search-Aware Tuning for Hierarchical Phrase-based Decoding
Feifei Zhai
Liang Huang
Kai Zhao
Verb Phrase Ellipsis Resolution Using Discriminative and Margin-Infused Algorithms
Kian Kenyon-Dean
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Doina Precup
Adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation Model for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in a Service Context
Vassilina Nikoulina
Bogomil Kovachev
Nikolaos Lagos
Christof Monz
A Structured Prediction Approach for Statistical Machine Translation
Dakun Zhang
Le Sun
Wenbo Li
A Coactive Learning View of Online Structured Prediction in Statistical Machine Translation
Artem Sokolov
Stefan Riezler
Shay B. Cohen
Analyzing Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation: MERT Learns Verbosity, PRO Learns Length
Francisco Guzmán
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
Top-Rank Enhanced Listwise Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation
Huadong Chen
Shujian Huang
David Chiang
Xinyu Dai
Jiajun Chen
Online Learning for Interactive Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
The Best Lexical Metric for Phrase-Based Statistical MT System Optimization
Daniel Cer
Christopher D. Manning
Daniel Jurafsky
Structured Ramp Loss Minimization for Machine Translation
Kevin Gimpel
Noah A. Smith
Optimized Online Rank Learning for Machine Translation
Taro Watanabe
Low-Dimensional Discriminative Reranking
Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi
Hal Daumé III
Large-Scale Discriminative Training for Statistical Machine Translation Using Held-Out Line Search
Jeffrey Flanigan
Chris Dyer
Jaime Carbonell
Applying Pairwise Ranked Optimisation to Improve the Interpolation of Translation Models
Barry Haddow
Training MRF-Based Phrase Translation Models using Gradient Ascent
Jianfeng Gao
Xiaodong He
Multi-Metric Optimization Using Ensemble Tuning
Baskaran Sankaran
Anoop Sarkar
Kevin Duh
The Geometry of Statistical Machine Translation
Aurelien Waite
Bill Byrne
A Comparison of Update Strategies for Large-Scale Maximum Expected BLEU Training
Joern Wuebker
Sebastian Muehr
Patrick Lehnen
Stephan Peitz
Hermann Ney
A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Phil Blunsom
Trevor Cohn
Miles Osborne
Goodness: A Method for Measuring Machine Translation Confidence
Nguyen Bach
Fei Huang
Yaser Al-Onaizan
Two Easy Improvements to Lexical Weighting
David Chiang
Steve DeNeefe
Michael Pust
Joint Feature Selection in Distributed Stochastic Learning for Large-Scale Discriminative Training in SMT
Patrick Simianer
Stefan Riezler
Chris Dyer
Fast and Adaptive Online Training of Feature-Rich Translation Models
Spence Green
Sida Wang
Daniel Cer
Christopher D. Manning
Additive Neural Networks for Statistical Machine Translation
Lemao Liu
Taro Watanabe
Eiichiro Sumita
Tiejun Zhao
Online Relative Margin Maximization for Statistical Machine Translation
Vladimir Eidelman
Yuval Marton
Philip Resnik
A Tale about PRO and Monsters
Preslav Nakov
Francisco Guzmán
Stephan Vogel
Learning Non-linear Features for Machine Translation Using Gradient Boosting Machines
Kristina Toutanova
Byung-Gyu Ahn
Using Discourse Structure Improves Machine Translation Evaluation
Francisco Guzmán
Shafiq Joty
Lluís Màrquez
Preslav Nakov
Hierarchical MT Training using Max-Violation Perceptron
Kai Zhao
Liang Huang
Haitao Mi
Abe Ittycheriah
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Oracle-BLEU Model Re-estimation
Praveen Dakwale
Christof Monz
Learning to Write with Cooperative Discriminators
Ari Holtzman
Jan Buys
Maxwell Forbes
Antoine Bosselut
David Golub
Yejin Choi
Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
N-Best Reranking by Multitask Learning
Kevin Duh
Katsuhito Sudoh
Hajime Tsukada
Hideki Isozaki
Masaaki Nagata
SampleRank Training for Phrase-Based Machine Translation
Barry Haddow
Abhishek Arun
Philipp Koehn
Alexandre Allauzen
Hélène Bonneau-Maynard
Hai-Son Le
Aurélien Max
Guillaume Wisniewski
François Yvon
Gilles Adda
Josep Maria Crego
Adrien Lardilleux
Thomas Lavergne
Artem Sokolov
The CMU-ARK German-English Translation System
Chris Dyer
Kevin Gimpel
Jonathan H. Clark
Noah A. Smith
Generative Models of Monolingual and Bilingual Gappy Patterns
Kevin Gimpel
Noah A. Smith
Optimization Strategies for Online Large-Margin Learning in Machine Translation
Vladimir Eidelman
Investigations in Exact Inference for Hierarchical Translation
Wilker Aziz
Marc Dymetman
Sriram Venkatapathy
Word Confidence Estimation for SMT N-best List Re-ranking
Ngoc-Quang Luong
Laurent Besacier
Benjamin Lecouteux
Abu-MaTran at WMT 2014 Translation Task: Two-step Data Selection and RBMT-Style Synthetic Rules
Raphael Rubino
Antonio Toral
Victor M. Sánchez-Cartagena
Jorge Ferrández-Tordera
Sergio Ortiz-Rojas
Gema Ramírez-Sánchez
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez
Andy Way
DiscoTK: Using Discourse Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Shafiq Joty
Francisco Guzmán
Lluís Màrquez
Preslav Nakov
An Empirical Comparison of Features and Tuning for Phrase-based Machine Translation
Spence Green
Daniel Cer
Christopher Manning
Abu-MaTran at WMT 2015 Translation Task: Morphological Segmentation and Web Crawling
Raphael Rubino
Tommi Pirinen
Miquel Esplà-Gomis
Nikola Ljubešić
Sergio Ortiz-Rojas
Vassilis Papavassiliou
Prokopis Prokopidis
Antonio Toral
MT Tuning on RED: A Dependency-Based Evaluation Metric
Liangyou Li
Hui Yu
Qun Liu
Climbing Mont BLEU: The Strange World of Reachable High-BLEU Translations
Aaron Smith
Christian Hardmeier
Joerg Tiedemann
Experiments in Non-Coherent Post-editing
Cristina Toledo Báez
Moritz Schaeffer
Michael Carl
Field Of Study
Machine Translation
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